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Simple Way to Determine the Age of Your Roof. How Old Is My Roof?

roofer inspecting a shingle roof

Do you know how old your roof is? If not, you’re not alone. Most families that move into an older home have no idea how old the roof is. This is especially true for Florida homes that may have previous hurricane damage. Fortunately, there are several ways to find out the roof’s age.

But is it important to know the age of your roof? The answer is yes. Knowing your roof’s age can save you from a variety of problems down the road. So, if you don’t know how old your roof is, now is the time to find out. Regardless of the age of your roof, contact a roofing contractor in Florida when it’s time for a professional roof inspection, replacement, or maintenance.

Why Do I Need to Know the Age of My Roof?

Unless you have designed and built your home from scratch, you will need to investigate the age of your roof. In addition to planning for its replacement, knowing your roof’s age can help you anticipate problems you may encounter and what you can do to prevent them.

You Can Anticipate Repairs

A roof that is 15 years old will require more maintenance and repairs than a brand-new roof. Knowing how old your roof is can help you anticipate and budget for issues that are likely to occur. After you schedule a roof inspection, you can speak with the roofing contractor about any potential issues that they foresee shortly.

The Age of Your Roof Affects Your Insurance

A common practice in the insurance industry is to mandate a professional roof inspection once your roof reaches a certain age. The inspection results may determine if the insurer wants to adjust or cancel your policy. If you know the age of your roof, you may be able to make any necessary professional roof repairs or upgrades so that the insurance company does not cancel your policy.

Hurricane Season Is Just Around the Corner

Hurricane season lasts six months out of the year (June 1st to November 30th). During hurricane season, your house faces the threat of heavy damage if a hurricane comes your way. Knowing the age of your roof can help you reinforce the roof system, minimizing the impact of a hurricane. You may discover that you need a full roof replacement.

It’s Helpful to Your Roof Contractor

An auto mechanic always asks what year your car is so that they can get the right parts and make the right repairs based on the vehicle’s make and model. The same is true for your roof. Knowing the age of your roof gives your contractor a good idea of how to maintain and fix it. Knowing its age also helps the contractor perform an accurate roof inspection, identifying small issues before they become large problems.

Is Your Roof Old? 4 Ways to Assess Your Roof’s Age

Trying to find out when your roof was last replaced? Wondering how to tell if your roof is old? Here are some ways to begin investigating.

1. Ask the Previous Owners

A quick check with the previous owners may be what you need to get the roof’s age. Getting a hold of the previous owners may be a challenge, but there are various ways to track them down.

  • Ask a realtor
  • Check social media
  • Do a Google search for the previous owners
  • Check with your local property appraiser’s office
  • Ask neighbors about the previous owners

2. Find the Roofer That Installed the Roof

A few calls to some of the main roofers in your area may yield results. If you live in a rural area in Florida, you may have better luck due to a smaller number of local roofers. If they keep good records or have a great memory, you could be in business.

Like any other industry, roofers network with one another. If you ask your roofing contractor or another local contractor, you will likely track down the roofing company that built the house or installed the roof.

3. Check the Building Permit

When you check the permit, you should get the date that the building permit was filed. It would be close to the time of the roof installation. The roof replacement would require the same permit as any major work done on the house.

Fortunately, Florida homeowners must apply for a building permit when building a house or replacing a roof. You can check your county’s records or contact your property appraiser’s office or other government agency and request a copy of the permit.

4. Schedule a Professional Roof Inspection

One of the best ways to estimate the age of your roof is to contact your contractor and schedule a roof inspection. There are several things that an inspection will reveal.

  • Warped or damaged roofing material
  • Loose or damaged flashing
  • Presence of mold or algae
  • Rust on a metal roof
  • Discoloration or faded surface
  • Storm damage
  • Poor ventilation
  • Neglect from the last owners
  • Missing components

A roofing professional can take a closer look at the type of roof and areas of damage and wear to give an estimate of the age of the roof. A few things that the roof specialist will look at are things like wind damage, hail damage, and tile damage.

The roof inspector may also be able to work with your homeowner’s insurance company if they find damage covered under your policy.

Schedule a Roof Inspection in Florida Today

If you're trying to figure out when your roof was last replaced, or you have a suspicion that your roof is on the older side and is in need of replacement, Quality Roofing Solutions can meet with you to discuss your roof’s age and current condition. We offer comprehensive roof inspections for homeowners in Florida.

Call (850) 753-0041 or fill out the quick form on our contact page to schedule a free roof inspection.

The post Simple Way to Determine the Age of Your Roof. How Old Is My Roof? appeared first on Quality Roofing Solutions.

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