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Signs That You Need a Full Roof Replacement


When a severe storm or hurricane hits your home, the roof is often the part of the house that receives the most damage, as it has the most exposure to heavy wind and rain. However, not all damage is evident. Plus, as a homeowner, you may not recognize signs of roof damage or the extent of the damage beneath the surface.

While some roof damage is cosmetic and only requires a roof repair, other types of damage may warrant a full roof replacement. If so, you will need to schedule a full roof replacement to protect your home and family. A new roof offers structural stability, greater energy efficiency, an improved look, and a higher market value on your home.

What Are the Signs That You Need a New Roof?

Whether your roof is old, or a storm has damaged it, there are several ways to tell when you need a professional roof replacement.

Missing Roofing Material

If you look at your roof and notice that several metal panels or asphalt shingles are missing from the roof, it could indicate that your roof has serious damage on the surface and underneath. Missing roofing material allows water to leak into the house. Leaks cause structural damage and mold, which can deteriorate the wood structure.

A few missing shingles or panels should cause minimal damage. However, several missing components will allow water to invade the house in multiple areas, leading to massive damage over time. Instead of spinning your wheels trying to replace the shingles, your best option is a roof replacement. Doing so will save you time and money in the long run. Plus, it will restore the look and performance of your roof.


Mold is typically a sign that your roof has been damaged for several months or years. For instance, the hurricane that may have hit your roof two years ago is just now showing signs of damage due to the slow growth of mold. Mold is usually the result of algae growth. In rainy, humid weather, algae can take hold and grow on your roof.

The growth causes the roof materials to remain damp, which promotes rot. When rot sets in, so can mold. Even with no rain, warm, humid weather creates ideal conditions for quick mold growth. Roof mold thrives in shady, moist conditions. The problem commonly occurs on the northern section of the roof and in areas that remain shaded throughout the day from surrounding plants or buildings.

Buckled or Sagging Roof

While sagging does not necessarily mean your roof is in imminent danger of collapse, it does mean you need to act soon to preserve the roof structure. Damage to any part of the roof’s surface gives water a way to get in and weaken the underlying structure. If water damage is causing your roof to sag, your first step will be to correct the problems that allowed the damage to occur.

In some cases, a saggy roof can be repaired and reinforced. However, a sagging roof can cause numerous problems down the road, weakening the entire roofing system. Eventually, you will need a roof replacement. A replacement may include replacing the shingles and flashing, repairing your gutters, and improving the attic ventilation.

Sunlight Coming Through the Roof

If you are in the attic and notice the daylight coming through the roof, it could mean any number of things. The roof decking could be warped or sagging. High winds may have caused the decking, underlayment, or shingles to come loose or blow off. One thing is for sure: If you can see daylight through the roof, you can be assured that water is leaking through when it rains.

One or two streams of light could indicate that a section of your roof needs to be replaced. However, several streams of light across the roofing system could be a sign that your roof needs a full replacement. If you do not take care of the problem soon, you can expect water damage across your roof, attic, and other parts of the house.

Dark Streaks or Stains in the Ceiling or Walls

Even if everything looks ok from the roof’s surface or in the attic, there may still be water damage somewhere on the roof. One way to tell is to look at the ceiling and walls in every room of your house. If you notice brownish or black stains, it’s a sign that water is still getting into your house. Consequently, the roof is damaged.

When water leaks through the roof, it can flow anywhere in your house. Constant dripping can push the water from the walls and ceiling down to the base of the house. If you notice several stains throughout the house, that means the roof is seriously damaged and needs to be replaced. You should contact a roofing contractor in Florida as soon as possible.

Heavily Damaged Components in the Roof

Your roofing system is made up of numerous parts, including the roofing material, decking, underlayment, supporting structure, chimney, vents, pipes, skylights, and flashing. Any of the components can be replaced without a full roof replacement. However, if several components are damaged, it may be a sign of more significant damage across the roofing system.

For instance, when flashing is missing, it exposes the roof to extensive water damage along the valleys (the area where sections of the roof connect). A chimney that loses its seal also allows water to enter through the roof. You may notice leaks around the skylights or other parts of the roof. As a result, you may need to schedule a roof replacement.

Professional Roof Replacement on the Coast

Whether you have an old roof, or your roof was damaged in a storm, contact Quality Roofing for a professional roof replacement. We offer a range of roofing services, including roofing repair, replacement, and maintenance. Call us today at (850) 753-0041 or fill out the contact form to request a free estimate. We are your premier roofing company in Florida.

The post Signs That You Need a Full Roof Replacement appeared first on Quality Roofing Solutions.

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