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How Often Does My Roof Need to Be Replaced?


Even the most well-constructed roofing systems have a shelf-life. Thankfully, most roofs last more than twenty years. Some roofs last 50 years. Others will outlast your lifespan. If you live in your home for at least a decade, the issue of when and how to replace your roof will inevitably surface.

The good news is that, even with the cost of roof replacement today, the benefits far outweigh the dollar signs. So, what can you expect from your roof and how do you know when it is time for an upgrade? Let’s address these questions below.

It Depends on the Roof

How often you replace your roof largely depends on the type of roofing material that is covering your home. The most common types of roofing material include:

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are by far the most popular roofing material in Florida. Nearly one-third of all homeowners choose asphalt shingles. The main reason for this is that they are an affordable option and have an impressive lifespan.

How often do you have to replace a roof?

Between 15 and 25 years. This depends on how well you maintain the shingles and if you purchase high-quality shingles.

Metal Roofs

Though not as popular as asphalt shingles, metal roofs are a top draw with homeowners. They are extremely durable, scratch & impact-resistant, hold up well in hurricanes, and are energy-efficient.

How often do you replace a roof?

Between 20 and 50 years. Metal roofs require less maintenance than asphalt shingles. Therefore, their lifespan largely depends on the type of roof you purchase and how much money you are willing to invest.

Tile Roofs

You will pay much more for a tile roof than almost any other type of roofing material. However, the payoff is that the tiles will most likely outlast your home. The Florida climate does shorten a tile’s lifespan a bit. However, you will still get plenty of mileage with your tile roof without spending a surplus of money on maintenance or tile replacements.

How often does the roof need to be replaced?

Between 50 and 100 years. Keep in mind that tile roofs are still vulnerable to hurricanes, hail, and lack of maintenance, just like any other roof.

Wood Shingles

Of all of the roofing materials available today, wood shingles are among the most decorative and elegant. However, wood shingles are rare in Florida due to the climate. They do not hold up as well in humid areas as other types of roofing. Therefore, you should consider your ROI before purchasing wood shingles.

How often should the roof be replaced?

Between 10 and 40 years. That seems like a long span, but what will make the difference is how much time and effort you put into keeping the roof maintained. If you neglect the roof, you can expect to replace it within a decade or two.

Signs That You Need to Replace Your Roof

Regardless of what type of roof you install on your home, time and elements will eventually take their toll. You can extend the life of your roof with ongoing roof maintenance and cleaning. However, if the maintenance costs start adding up, it may be time for you to consider a roof replacement.

When should a roof be replaced? Some signs that it is time to consider a new roof include:

  • The roofing material is warped, cracked, or caving in.
  • You’re heating, or cooling bill has increased significantly.
  • You notice water spots in the ceiling or walls.
  • The roof does not ventilate as well as it used to.
  • You notice dark streaks or mold spreading across the roof surface.

In addition, you may also start spending more on maintenance and repairs to keep the roof intact. Eventually, your homeowner’s insurance provider may no longer cover the roof if it has outlived the warranty by several years.

Contact Quality Roofing for Roofing Service in Florida

Quality Roofing offers premier roofing services for homeowners in Florida. To find out more about our roofing solutions, call us at (850) 753-0041 or fill out the quick form on our contact page.

The post How Often Does My Roof Need to Be Replaced? appeared first on Quality Roofing Solutions.

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